Awakening to Your purpose

Awakening to Your Purpose

Awakening to your purpose doesn’t happen overnight.  Imagine if you’ve been lying to yourself about what makes you happy, or avoiding your dream work because that would mean you have to do everything to pursue it.


Pursuing our dreams is scary, and incredibly exciting.  It’s a path that requires us to make adjustments in our life, work harder, make compromises, and take steps out of our comfort zone towards them.


Many of us won’t completely leap into our purpose right away, because so many of us don’t know what it is yet.  Therefore, every little step you take helps you get closer, it helps you heal beliefs about yourself, and overcome fears to get to your destination.  It teaches you to get out of your comfort zone, and not to settle.


This process is a magical one, because everything you face along your journey, is actually building you up to do your dream work.  It’s like your path is the “schooling” you are receiving in order to help others.  Schooling of getting out of your comfort zone, facing fears, and overcoming insecurities and doubts.


Personally, I remember waking up to nightmares that I wouldn’t do my dream work.  And I didn’t want to face my truth because I was scared.  All I knew is that I wanted to work for myself, and I wanted to help others deeply.


My journey and my struggle is what gave me passion for the niche I have.  Without this journey, and without this struggle – I would be aimless.  Don’t underestimate your journey and your struggle.  Don’t see it as a struggle, see it as the path to your dreams, the healing of the demons within you that stand in the way, and the path which will one day give you a passionate direction.


I’ve transformed so much as a person along my path, and I am so proud of myself for that.  I am so proud that I conquered the fears I had because I am no longer waking up to the nightmares I used to have about my dream work.


You are the key to your dreams.  The Universe, God, or whatever term resonates with you, would never deprive you of your dream.  What you need to do is trust the path.  If you do that, and continuously move forward, even if it is baby steps at a time, you will be led to your dreams. 


Along your path, you will awaken further and further.  You’ll get closer to your truth every time, which means you will get closer to your dreams as well.


There were many times I felt back at square one.  Sometimes it was about moving forwards, and things not working out with the purpose of being redirected.  Sometimes I felt like I’d failed, but the more I went along this journey, I realized that I was being steered in another direction.  One that would be a lot more fulfilling, and one that would make me a lot happier, especially if I just let it. 


So many of us are lying to ourselves.  We are pretending to be happy because we are scared of what is on the other side of trying to work towards something better.  We are pretending to be happy because we are scared that we will be deprived of the things we desire most.


But the Universe would never do that to you.


You have to trust it and move forwards even when you have no idea what lies on the other side of your decisions.  If you never take leaps of faith, you will never get to have the rewards.


And that is the secret my Spiritual Badasses.


I love you



Keep awakening to your purpose, and the deepest love you desire in all aspects of life.  Let the Universe lead you; you just need to take the steps.






Chynna Laura


About the author

My name is Chynna Laura, I am a Certified Personal & Professional Life Coach and I mentor people who are awakening. I use a combination of coaching and spiritual advisory to help you navigate; awakening to your purpose, spiritual entrepreneurship and your twin flame journey. These are 3 key parts of a spiritual journey, which truly go hand in hand. Therefore, I believe understanding each of these are essential to offering the best help to this community.
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