You’ve come to find that you’re on a twin flame journey. It’s like the universe chose a specific time to make this known to you. Perhaps it was revealed to you in your dreams, or through meditation. The timing of this discovery likely aligns with you awakening to your purpose and it’s become incredibly clear you need to work on your personal growth right now.
If you’re here, chances are you’ve found yourself:
Feeling like you’ve done all the work, or all the work possible. You may even feel lost in all other aspects of life. Between your purpose and twin flame journey, nothing is clear. It’s all making you feel completely confused and lost.
Between false twin flames, karmics pushing you to the next step of this journey, soulmates, and the work which needs to be done on yourself. You are fed up, and you are at your wit’s end. They may even be approaching you in your dreams, but not in the physical.
I can’t imagine working with someone who doesn’t understand the spiritual processes of awakening to your purpose, the emotional trials of stepping into spiritual entrepreneurship, and a twin flame journey. The effects of these combined are a recipe for total confusion. Understanding how each of these processes are affecting us independently, is key to navigating this journey. Ready for your clarity?