What you seek is seeking you

Your Dream Work Wants you Back

I know how painful it can be to feel that the Universe is depriving us of our dream work.  For many spiritual badasses finding their path towards their dream work and purpose has been their greatest pain.  However, I have always believed what you seek is seeking you in all aspects of life.

One of the greatest things which stands between us and our dream work, is belief.  The belief that you yourself are able to create the dream job you’ve been desiring and the belief that you can actually make your dreams come true.

The truth is that usually the only thing standing between that very desire, is us.  Yes ourselves, we are our own biggest enemy in that way.  Yes, it is a journey to our dream work, but I believe that journey is more of an internal journey of finding out what it is that we truly want to create in our lives, and a journey of becoming the person needed to bring our dreams to fruition

Remember this

You are the Only One Who Needs to Believe in Yourself

One of the greatest lessons which we learn towards the end of overcoming the emotional trials of entrepreneurship – is that we so often give our power away. We give it away all the time to others, and we give it away when we don’t fully believe in ourselves.  Most of all we often give it away when starting out as an entrepreneur by allowing others to dictate our life and future, versus standing firmly to create the one we believe in and the one we so dearly want.

Personally, It was only when my mentor, the one whose opinion I held above anyone’s told me that I should not take the path I felt guided to.  That is when I realized how much I believed in myself because finally, my own internal guidance mattered more than anything on the outside.  It threw me I won’t lie, and I reflected on it to make sure my ego wasn’t in the way.  But, I knew that ego aside, I had a heart-centered mission.  I realized that I finally believed in myself and that no one could take that away.  It made me stand firm in myself, what I was creating and led me to a true unwavering belief in myself.  A divine intervention.

Listen to your soul

As Much as we Seek Outside Ourselves, Our Answers are Always Within

One of the greatest gifts and challenges of spiritual awakening is that it forces us to look within.  We so often gather information about how we should live our lives based on our outside world.  Feeling ruled by the judgement of others, the paths we believe to be available, and the “shoulds” of how we are to live our lives.

A spiritual awakening will force you to go inwards.  You’ll begin to find that the answers which lye outside of you will no longer feel right, and it will force you to tune into your inner compass.  The one that always has all the right answers for you.

So stop searching for the answers outside of yourself, because they are all within.

Not sure about coaching yet, but wanting to move forward?

Check out my book, it's an autobiography/self-help book with the tools which helped me move towards my dream work which can help you too!
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