If you have a coaching business or are trying to start one – you are almost 100% likely facing the choice to choose a niche. Let me tell you why trying to find a niche, is actually suppressing your creativity and direction.
But, let me tell you why a niche can be unhealthy.
Yup, you heard that right… unhealthy.
Did you know that forcing yourself to find a niche is suppressing your creativity?
Do you know that forcing yourself to fit into a box is the least creative thing you can do? How can your ideas evolve and grow – if you are forced to fit into a box. Let me remind you that you too are an ever-growing being with ever-evolving ideas.
If you’re creative, let your creative ideas flow. Allow yourself to change.
Allow yourself to do more than one thing – because your expertise may involve multiple things
Just like you can be great at the piano, helping others, and possibly tennis. I don’t know what your specific talents are!
So stop trying to force yourself into a tiny box. Doesn’t society do that enough?
YES – get specific about a program, get specific about who it targets- but, don’t suppress your ideas for programs that target other specialties you may have.
We are multifaceted beings, with multi-gifts. Don’t trap yourself into only using one of them. You’re just depriving yourself and others of your gifts, and where they can take you.
Chynna Laura