You have just experienced some sort of professional crisis and you feel you are being forced to re-evaluate your direction. You are wanting to move forward in a purposeful and heart-centered way. A way that allows you to move closer to your passion and dream work.
→ Learn moreYou are stepping into spiritual entrepreneurship, but struggling to believe in yourself and trust in your process. You are needing support while trying to understand the ride of entrepreneurship and awakening at the same time. This coaching program offers you the stilts and understanding you need while facing the dual emotional trials of this path.
→ Learn moreTwinflames: Pre-Union
You’ve come to find that you’re on a twin flame journey. It’s like the universe chose a specific time to make this known to you. Perhaps it was revealed to you in your dreams, or through meditation. The timing of this discovery likely aligns with you awakening to your purpose and it’s become incredibly clear you need to work on your personal growth right now.
→ Learn more