One of the hardest parts of the journey towards your dream work or any truth of yours is to listen within.
We often have this obsession to find our answers in our external world when we are not used to going within to find them.
For me, I started to go within when I was feeling done with all the answers outside of myself. There just came a point where the answers I was being given about what I should or should not do, just didn’t suit me anymore. That is when I started to tune into my internal compass.
It is a constant journey to always navigate back to ourselves, our truth, and our own answers. It’s hard not to fall victim to the “habit” of looking to others for confirmation about what we should and should not do.
But, hear me out on this hard truth. If you are going to look for validation from others for your ideas and plans, you won’t conquer your vision, and you will not live up to your greatness.
If you need a stamp of approval on everything you do, you will not live a life of truth, which means you won’t live a life of happiness. Our happiness is not derived from others; it is derived from what is desired within.
I want you to put your listening cap on for this story because it is going to be worth it.
One of the greatest tests along my entrepreneurial journey was a coaching session that I had with my spiritual mentor. This was a mentor that I did feel was no longer in alignment with me, but having had a long term relationship throughout the beginning of my awakening, it was a mentor I stuck with.
I feel I have had so many different sessions with her; great, good, and not as great. There was one session that healed me and gave me a healing that probably would have taken 12 sessions with a therapist. And then there the session that threw me for a total loop into red hot fury.
So I have done a lot of spiritual work, and yes there will always be more to be done. But… I have been waiting a decade to do the work I love, and I’ve been holding off on a vision I have for 2 years because apparently, it wasn’t “the right one”. And let’s be honest I lacked the confidence and clarity to bring it forth.
When I was told that this wasn’t the right path for me or time earlier in this 2-year period. I sat in my life feeling sad, and accepting the fate I was told.
Then in my last session with this mentor, she told me I’d start coaching parents with new age children in the next 6 months, and that I should just enjoy time with my daughter for the rest of my maternity. However, I felt out of alignment keeping my daughter home with me, I felt like I was supposed to be working on this mission that was in my heart. And I don’t feel like working with other parents and children really interests me at all, especially not for the time being. I really felt like my daughter needed the stimulation of a daycare environment, and I needed mental stimulation. It felt like this was my time to take this leap of faith on this project.
Now, maybe I’m totally wrong, but I’ve had so much ego dissolution and just about everything that did not work in the last decade, so I am quite open-hearted, open-minded, and passion-based.
The thing that brought me into my fury was the deep inner knowing that I was getting nudges to move in this direction. I went through the process – I heard her out. I reflected on the information. I checked in with my ego. I checked in with my heart. And I checked my inner compass.
The next 24 hours after this session, I did a whole 360. Yes, it’s like I jumped in the air, lost my shit, and did a 360 vertical turn, and somehow… landed back solidly on my feet…
It was a lot.
What happened was – I am open, but I am also standing tall in my truth. So I am able to take information in and reflect, then I can release what does not fit with me, and still stand strong in what it is that I am creating and going for.
This session was the ultimate test, a divine intervention.
Because… this person was the person’s opinion I put above all. It was the person who was supposed to believe in me, it was the person’s opinion I put on a pedestal over mine!!!
After my 360 loop to coming back to my truth, coming back to knowing that this was the right vision for me to go after, and knowing that my inner compass was steering me the right way – I saw these boots, these iron boots filled with rocks on a walk I was on in a park that I’d never been to. And that was the most beautiful confirmation, it was the confirmation that when we are standing strong in our visions and what we want to create – that no one can take it away from us.
If anyone can knock you over at any time, how will you conquer your vision? How will you make your dreams a reality?
I didn’t get to this place overnight. I got to this place when I was ready – when the vision and the clarity were given to me, and when I was strong enough in my belief to conquer it and bring it to fruition.
Anyone can try to dictate your life, but you know you’ve found your power when you don’t let them.